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These are links to other Primitive Baptist sites

There are many Pimitive Baptist links on the internet but some to not proclaim the same doctrine and practice that we do.  Below are links to old-line Primitive Baptist Sites.

Sister Ruth (Clerk), Brother Bill (Pastor), Sister Terry

Primitive Baptist Church Links
Pond Mountain Church

St. Clair Association, Pastor: Eddie Lyle

Cane Patch Church

Washington Association, Pastor: Victor Church

Rush Creek Church

St. Clair Association, Pastor: Eugune Blevins, Curt Heath, Lary Blevins


Favorite Sites
KJV Bible

A link to the 1611 King James Version Bible


The Primitive Baptist Library

St. Clair Association

A historical view of the association that we belong to

Old School Baptists

An excellent site that has a great directory and pictures, especially of Churches located in the northern Virginia area.

Old Line Messenger

A very informative site to learn more about Primitive Baptists

Primitive Baptist Crossroads

An informative site about Old-Line Primitive Baptist Churches

Essential Baptist Principles

This site is great for reading articles and historical information

Bible Truth Forum

Very informative Site by Elder Bob Allgood, many downloads available on this site!

pboldline forum

A group of old line Primitive Baptists devoted to the old ways. This is intended to be a "local" group devoted to the promotion of messages of particular local interest as well as the maintenance of a local calendar of upcoming meetings, events, etc. The requirement to be a member of this group is that you be a member of a church which is directly affiliated with one or more of the following local associations or the many other associations and independent churches that we are affiliated with:

NC - Fisher's River, Little Yadkin River, Piney Grove, Roaring River, Mountain, Senter, Bear Creek
KY - Mates Creek, Union, Burning Springs, Sand Lick of KY
VA - Sand Lick, St. Clair, Washington, Ebeneezer, Ketocton
WV - Mt. Zion