Old Carroll Primitive Baptist Church
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Welcome To Old Carroll Primitive Baptist Church

We are an Old Line Primitive Baptist Church that practices only what the scriptures set forth in our worship service; as quoted in the Cranberry Declaration "It is our sincere desire to follow the scriptural paths of simple worship, that our forefathers trod in years past and gone. (Preaching, Praying and Singing)"

We invite anyone who desires to worship with us to come and be with us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday at 10:30AM. Our Conference meeting is held the Saturday before the 4th Sunday at 6:00pm.

We simply desire to worship God in spirit and truth without the modern day inventions of man being brought into the church. We like old time hymns such as Amazing Grace and How Firm a Foundation. We are a Bible based church, if it is supported by the scriptures then we support it, if it is not supported by the scriptures then we leave it alone. We are a small but faithful congregation who loves the Lord and his truths.

Pastor: Elder William E. "Bill" Stephens

Clerk:  Sister Ruth Stephens

Treasurer: Brother Sandy Santiago

Ordained Elders: Elder Jason Adams

                              Elder Billy Cook

                              Elder Jonathan Cook



The Lord blessed us to have a wonderful association! You may view the new pictures on the St. Clair photos page.

Our Regular Service time is 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10:30am.  Old Carroll's Conference meeting is Saturday before the 4th Sunday of each month at 6pm.

5th Weekend Meetings in October:

St. Clair Bottom Church in Smith County VA are holding their first 5th weekend meeting since they have declared peace with the Churches in the St. Clair Association and their sister independent Churches.

Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church in Baltimore will be holding services all day Sat. and Sun. including a communion and feet washing service.



From Frederick Maryland take Interstate 70 east to Mount Airy. Take exit 68 and turn left onto Maryland Route 27 North, Go to the 4th light and turn right on Waterville Road, go about 1 1/2 miles to a white frame church building on the left at the stop sign. A brick Mennonite Church is directly across the road.


Elders at our communion service in May